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One Capsule, Once Dailya: Start With ZEPOSIA First Line Today1b

aFor patients with hepatic impairment, refer to the dosing guidance below.

ZEPOSIA 7-Day Titration and Dosing Schedule1

All Grey Pill Icon

Days 1-4

0.23 mg

Once daily

Orange and Grey Pill Icon

Days 5-7

0.46 mg

Once daily

The ZEPOSIA Starter Pack is
designed to make the
instructions easier to follow1

The ZEPOSIA Starter Pack is designed
to make the
titration instructions
easier to follow1

Recommended Dosage Pamphlet

An up-titration schedule should be used to reach the maintenance dose, as a transient decrease in heart rate and atrioventricular (AV) conduction delays may occur.1

ZEPOSIA may be taken with or without food.1

Pill Icon

Day 8 & Thereafter

0.92 mg

Once dailyc

cPatients with mild-to-moderate hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh class A or B) should take 0.92 mg once every other day.1

Initiate ZEPOSIA with a 7-day titration schedule. After initial titration, the recommended dosage of ZEPOSIA is 0.92 mg taken orally, starting on Day 8.1

Recommended Dosage in Patients With Hepatic Impairment

  • In patients with mild or moderate hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh class A or B), initiate ZEPOSIA with a 7-day titration, as shown in Table 1 of the ZEPOSIA Prescribing Information. After initial titration, the recommended dosage of ZEPOSIA in these patients is 0.92 mg taken orally once every other day, starting on Day 8. Use of ZEPOSIA in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh class C) is not recommended1

Additional Dosing Considerations

  • If a dose of ZEPOSIA is missed during the first 2 weeks of treatment, reinitiate treatment using the titration regimen1
  • If a dose of ZEPOSIA is missed after the first 2 weeks of treatment, continue with the treatment as planned1

Additional Dosing Considerations

  • ZEPOSIA can be taken with or without food1
  • If a dose of ZEPOSIA is missed during the first 2 weeks of treatment, reinitiate treatment using the titration regimen1
  • If a dose of ZEPOSIA is missed after the first 2 weeks of treatment, continue with the treatment as planned1

  • bPatients can initiate ZEPOSIA therapy if they have had CBC blood work, including lymphocyte count, within the past 6 months or after discontinuation of prior UC therapy; liver function tests (with transaminase and bilirubin levels) within the past 6 months; an ECG to determine if preexisting conduction abnormalities are present; documented history of VZV or a full course of VZV vaccination; and live attenuated vaccine immunization performed at least 1 month prior. Determine if patients are taking drugs that could slow heart rate or atrioventricular conduction. Consider possible unintended additive immunosuppressive effects before initiating treatment with ZEPOSIA if taking antineoplastic, non-corticosteroid immunosuppressive, or immune-modulating therapies, or if there is a history of prior use of these drugs. Obtain a baseline evaluation of the fundus, including the macula, near the start of treatment and obtain a baseline skin examination prior to or shortly after initiation.1
  • CBC=complete blood count; ECG=electrocardiogram; UC=ulcerative colitis; VZV=varicella-zoster virus.

3 steps to get your patients started on ZEPOSIA

3 steps to get your patients started on ZEPOSIA



in Z360 SupportTM by submitting the Start Form



one time prior to first



your patient on ZEPOSIA with the Starter Kit and complete screening

Going directly through a specialty pharmacy?

Your patients can enroll at for help with treatment initiation, ongoing one-on-one assistance from dedicated Coordinators, and access and reimbursement support.

1. Enroll

Get your patients started on ZEPOSIA

2. Screen

One-Time Screenings Prior to First Dose1

Heart IconECG to detect preexisting conduction abnormalities1d

Blood IconBlood work1

(within past 6 months)e

  • CBC, including lymphocyte count
  • Transaminase and bilirubin levels

Determine VZV history and vaccination statusf and evaluate medication history. There is no required scheduled monitoring.1

Download Screening Resources

3. Initiate

Initiate your patient on ZEPOSIA with the Starter Pack

Your patients can receive a free 28-dose Starter Kit that facilitates titration with a 7-dose Starter Pack through the ZEPOSIA 360 SupportTM Program.

Screenings Near The Start of Treatment1

(Can complete before initiation)

Eye IconOphthalmic evaluation of the fundus, including the maculag

Hand and Magnifying Glass IconSkin examinationh

Recent annual skin exams and applicable eye exams satisfy this requirement.

Periodically monitor for changes in vision and suspicious skin lesions; there is no required scheduled monitoring.1

Support provided by Bristol Myers Squibb to eligible commercial patientsi:

  • Blood work
  • 🟠
  • ECG with
    cardiologist overread
  • 🟠
  • Macular edema screening with
    licensed eye clinician overread
  • 🟠
  • VZV antibody
  • 🟠
  • Skin exam
  • dZEPOSIA is contraindicated in patients who have the presence of Mobitz type II second-degree or third-degree atrioventricular (AV) block, sick sinus syndrome, or sino-atrial block, unless the patient has a functioning pacemaker. In patients with certain preexisting conditions, advice from a cardiologist should be sought—see Warnings and Precautions in Prescribing Information. ZEPOSIA was not studied in patients who had: cardiac conduction or rhythm disorders, including sick sinus syndrome, significant QT prolongation (QTcF >450 msec in males, >470 msec in females), risk factors for QT prolongation, or other conduction abnormalities or cardiac conditions that in the opinion of the treating investigator could jeopardize the patient’s health.1
  • eWithin 6 months before the start of treatment, complete these screenings. Screenings performed within the past 6 months satisfy the requirement.1
  • fVZV vaccination of antibody-negative patients is recommended prior to commencing treatment. Without documentation of VZV/chicken pox, or documentation of a full course of vaccination, test for antibodies. If live attenuated immunizations are required, administer at least 1 month prior to initiation.1
  • gAlso obtain an ophthalmic exam periodically during treatment and any time there is a change in vision. Patients with a history of uveitis and patients with a history of diabetes mellitus are at increased risk of macular edema during ZEPOSIA therapy. In addition to the examination of the fundus, including the macula, prior to treatment, patients with diabetes mellitus or a history of uveitis should have regular follow-up examinations.1
  • hAlso obtain a skin examination periodically during treatment, particularly for patients with risk factors for skin cancer. Providers and patients are advised to monitor for suspicious skin lesions, which should be promptly evaluated if observed.1
  • iHome visits for initial routine medical tests are not available to people enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, or other federal or state programs, or to people living in Rhode Island.
  • CBC=complete blood count; ECG=electrocardiogram; QT=an extended interval between the heart contracting and relaxing; QTcF=corrected QT interval by Fridericia; VZV=varicella-zoster virus.

3 steps to get your patients started on ZEPOSIA

3 steps to get your patients started on ZEPOSIA

Going directly through a specialty pharmacy?

Your patients can enroll at for help with treatment initiation, ongoing one-on-one assistance from dedicated Coordinators, and access and reimbursement support.

Additional Dosing Considerations

  • ZEPOSIA can be taken with or without food1
  • If a dose of ZEPOSIA is missed during the first 2 weeks of treatment, reinitiate treatment using the titration regimen1
  • If a dose of ZEPOSIA is missed after the first 2 weeks of treatment, continue with the treatment as planned1

1. Enroll

Get your patients started on ZEPOSIA

ZEPOSIA 360 SupportTM helps support patients every step of the way

2. Screen

One-Time Screenings Prior to First Dose1

Heart IconECG to detect preexisting conduction abnormalities1d

Blood IconBlood work1

(within past 6 months)e

  • CBC, including lymphocyte count
  • Transaminase and bilirubin levels

Determine VZV history and vaccination statusf and evaluate medication history. There is no required scheduled monitoring.1

Download Screening Resources

3. Initiate

Initiate your patient on ZEPOSIA with the Starter Pack

Your patients can receive a free 28-dose Starter Kit that facilitates titration with a 7-dose Starter Pack through the ZEPOSIA 360 SupportTM Program.

Screenings Near The Start of Treatment1

(Can complete before initiation)

Eye IconOphthalmic evaluation of the fundus, including the maculag

Hand and Magnifying Glass IconSkin examinationh

Recent annual skin exams and applicable eye exams satisfy this requirement.

Periodically monitor for changes in vision and suspicious skin lesions; there is no required scheduled monitoring.1

Support provided by Bristol Myers Squibb to eligible commercial patientsi:

  • 🟠Blood work
  • 🟠ECG with cardiologist overread
  • 🟠Macular edema screening with
    licensed eye clinician overread
  • 🟠VZV antibody testing
  • 🟠Skin exam reimbursement
  • dZEPOSIA is contraindicated in patients who have the presence of Mobitz type II second-degree or third-degree atrioventricular (AV) block, sick sinus syndrome, or sino-atrial block, unless the patient has a functioning pacemaker. In patients with certain preexisting conditions, advice from a cardiologist should be sought—see Warnings and Precautions in Prescribing Information. ZEPOSIA was not studied in patients who had: cardiac conduction or rhythm disorders, including sick sinus syndrome, significant QT prolongation (QTcF >450 msec in males, >470 msec in females), risk factors for QT prolongation, or other conduction abnormalities or cardiac conditions that in the opinion of the treating investigator could jeopardize the patient’s health.1
  • eWithin 6 months before the start of treatment, complete these screenings. Screenings performed within the past 6 months satisfy the requirement.1
  • fVZV vaccination of antibody-negative patients is recommended prior to commencing treatment. Without documentation of VZV/chicken pox, or documentation of a full course of vaccination, test for antibodies. If live attenuated immunizations are required, administer at least 1 month prior to initiation.1
  • gAlso obtain an ophthalmic exam periodically during treatment and any time there is a change in vision. Patients with a history of uveitis and patients with a history of diabetes mellitus are at increased risk of macular edema during ZEPOSIA therapy. In addition to the examination of the fundus, including the macula, prior to treatment, patients with diabetes mellitus or a history of uveitis should have regular follow-up examinations.1
  • hAlso obtain a skin examination periodically during treatment, particularly for patients with risk factors for skin cancer. Providers and patients are advised to monitor for suspicious skin lesions, which should be promptly evaluated if observed.1
  • iHome visits for initial routine medical tests are not available to people enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, or other federal or state programs, or to people living in Rhode Island.
  • CBC=complete blood count; ECG=electrocardiogram; QT=an extended interval between the heart contracting and relaxing; QTcF=corrected QT interval by Fridericia; VZV=varicella-zoster virus.

Learn More About the
ZEPOSIA 360 SupportTM Program

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You and Your Patients

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