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Are Your Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis Getting the Relief They Need?

If you have patients who have uncontrolled symptoms or are looking for treatment options, it may be time for a change. With rapid and sustained remission shown in clinical trials,a ZEPOSIA is the first oral advanced therapyb that can be used before biologics in moderate-to-severe UC patients.1-3 As you review this profile, consider the patients you have in your practice.

Meet Stephen Meet Stephen

Meet StephenNot an actual patient.

Age: 35 Time since diagnosis: 1 year
  • Balances career and family life, managing disease with diet and medication
  • Current medications: 5-ASAs, received 2 tapering courses of corticosteroids over past year
  • He is still experiencing symptoms associated with active disease


  • aSignificantly higher clinical remission rates vs placebo in the pivotal trial: 18% (79/429) vs 6% (13/216) at Week 10 (p<0.0001), and 37% (85/230) vs 19% (42/227) at Week 52 (p<0.0001).1
  • bAdvanced therapies include S1P, biologics, and JAKi.

5-ASAs=5-aminosalicylic acids; JAKi=Janus kinase inhibitor; S1P=sphingosine 1-phosphate; UC=ulcerative colitis.

Watch: Doctors discuss the UC treatment journey with their patients

The doctors were compensated for their time. These are actual ZEPOSIA patients and have been
compensated for their time. Individual results may vary. See clinical results.

Watch a video with Dr.Lee and UC Patient

Dr Lee speaks with Rosie whose UC had become moderate to severe. They discuss the importance of doctor-patient communication to find the right treatment.

Watch a video with Dr. Wolf and UC Patient

Dr Wolf speaks with a long-time UC patient, Tim. Together they discuss his diagnosis and treatment journey, as well as the challenges that Tim has faced.

Understand the Unmet Need in Treating Moderate-to-Severe UC

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